Love, Joy, Peace...


The Student Ministry at Harmony Baptist Church exists to lead students in 7th through 12th grade into a deeper knowledge of God, growing in their love for God, their fellow believers, and their mission fields. 


We believe that youth ministry is not just a glorified babysitting for middle to high school kids before they go experience the "real world." It is a pivotal time in their sanctification that must be nurtured and developed. Our aim is to equip and disciple our youth so that they begin making an impact for the gospel NOW, not when they're "grown up." Through expository preaching, discipleship, and fellowship our students come to know the joy of following Christ. The joy and peace that surpasses that of superficial "good times" that so many youth groups have unfortunately conformed too. We participate in numerous serve events throughout the year in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We attend a Summer and Winter retreat each year that focuses on developing spiritual habits such as Bible Study, effective prayer, scripture memorization, and discipleship. We also hold a monthly Friday Fellowship time where our boys and girls gather separately with our leaders to  dive into Gods word along with a specific planned activity such as camping, cooking, skating, etc. We also plan and prepare a series of skits to perform for the Church either live or through video that communicate the gospel message and gives those students who enjoy this area an outlet to do so. All in all, our main aim is to glorify God through youth ministry, not as a separate entity of the Church, but as the heartbeat of a young generation who are on fire for Christ. If you have any additional question, please reach out to our youth pastor, Brett Vance, through email. You can find his information on our 'Leadership' card. 

Service Times

Sunday Morning at 10:00 a..m. for Sunday School

Sunday Night at 5:30 p.m. for Small Groups

Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. for a Worship Service

Sermon Recaps

Click on the link to view recaps from all of our sermons. This is a great way for our parents and others to stay in touch with what we're learning.


Harmony Baptist Church
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